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Audio Teachings

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Love So Amazing!

You may feel you’ve failed to do the right thing so many times in your life that God is just plain mad at you and doesn’t want to have a relationship with you.   The Good News is that God loves you, right now, and wants to free you from guilt.  This 6-track series will open your eyes, and heart, to the abundance of God’s love for you and will teach you how to overcome the negative thoughts in your mind. 

The 3 T’s

Temptations – Trials – Tests


This study, through the book of James, will help   you understand where temptations, trials and tests    come from.  Are we “tested” by God so we’ll become more spiritually mature?  Does God allow  bad things to happen to us in life?  You’ll gain valuable insight into the character of God by studying the entire book of James through this series:


God's Light, God's Truth


We are bombarded, daily, by massive doses of negative, distressful words.  Through all of the electronic sources we have for news and information, much of what we see and hear is meant to bring fear into our minds and diminish hope.  But God has equipped us, as His children, to know truth and to maintain our peace of mind.   

The Warrior Within


As believers, we've been equipped to do battle with an enemy that we can't see.  How do we recognize this enemy when he's attacking us and how do we combat him to be victorious? God the Father is our Commander and the orders are sent through the Holy Spirit to us.  Our responsibility is to train our minds to know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to us.

Faith in God, Not Man


Faith can be difficult to understand because we can’t see it.  Can people really “walk by faith” even when they’re facing a difficult situation?  Faith is the starting point of our Christian life and it sustains us through all the rough spots.  This series will teach you about the level of faith that is available to all believers.

Desire Spiritual Gifts


Believers have been empowered with the spiritual gifts of God to show the world His power.  As followers of Christ, we are to become disciples who proclaim the truth as boldly as those in the early church.  God has not changed – He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  The truth of His Word has not changed either.  Understanding all that lives within us through the Holy Spirit – the Fruit of the Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit – arms us to fight spiritual battles and to bring glory to the One True God.

Why Do We Pray?


Communication with God can run the gamut from complaining about our life to using all the religious clichés.  Understanding how Jesus prayed gives us great insight into the way He communicated with His Father, and the way we can communicate with Him, as well. 

Stir Up the Fire


Believers have been empowered with the Holy Spirit of God.  The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in believers!  Paul reminds Timothy to "stir up the gift of God," and we need to be reminded, too.  Understanding how you've been empowered will help you overcome this "present, evil world." 

Peace of Mind


Thoughts come at us, all the time.  Most of those thoughts are negative about what we’ve done in the past, what someone has said to us,  or we worry about things that might happen.  Jesus said He gave us His peace in John: 14.  How do we get our mind into this place of peace?  This five-part teaching will provide instruction on how to cast the cares of this world on the Lord.  It explains the power of your prayer when you pray as Jesus instructed us, “whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."  What is the “IT” you need help with in your life? 



Our words have power.  They can encourage someone or cause lasting damage.  The strife within relationships is fueled by words, but we can adopt this practical approach to the words that are being spoken to us - STOP, THINK, LISTEN before responding. This teaching will help you learn to hear from the Holy Spirit and recognize His voice. It will also instruct you how to discern the spirit of those who are speaking to you and then know how to respond.      


The Nature of God


Can we really understand who God is?  The Old Testament description of God speaks of judgement while the New Testament description speaks of love.  Is this dichotomy a reflection of His character? This teaching provides the opportunity for you to grow in your personal relationship with God by eliminating any confusion about His nature. 





How to Hear From The Holy Spirit


When Jesus told His apostles He must leave this earth, He said He would send back The Holy Spirit to comfort, instruct, and to be alongside His followers.  The work of the Holy Spirit has not changed.  How do we receive instruction and comfort?  It is through knowing when He is speaking to us. This teaching will help you discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. 

All teachings will be added to this website.  Please check back frequently.

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